Sunday, August 12, 2007

drinking malt liquor with Guisto on the doorstep of the Amicia hotel in las vegas

Vegas, home and standard to everything which we have developed that is of no effect and no relevance to being, everything that has stepped out, loud and echoing in the desert
everything that blooms of our accord in the baking heat;
the artificial cool of the air conditioner,
the casinos, thick with the scent and the heaviness of money, the strip clubs dark and blooming like skunk cabbage, the 24 hour conveniance, the tourism, rich, poor, gaudy and refined, the machines, the cars, so we can bear our condition in the humming of artifice, the crack, the coke nad the ecstacy so that our hovel-esqe living attains to the sublime, the warp and the woof, the neon, the neon, those colours blooming out of the trapped sun and the contorted metals of our earth, the tongues and the anuses that in crossing supplicate our tittilated selves...

paradox, mammon, that is our god, that is how we flourish,how we worship,
the other gods, silent, abused, withdraw, ginsberg's mollox our only god now
fuck me, pay me, save me and i shall go on living in this neon husk, i shall be cooled by the cool,
feel the tongues of the heat, shall bathe naked in front of the panting men, in front of all the cooling machines!!!

i give it all willingly, fuck me, suck me, the chance to win, the chance to be a king again, my fat disappears, the colours cleave to neon, the tits are all golded and luminescent...

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