Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Montreal's Jean-Talon market

the things we do well
shine through the world, shine through the earth
what we share together on the streets
under the skies, rain and sun, clouds outstrip us all
markets, our music, our books of light and laughter
musicians stringing the wind and their thoughts
calling the laughter, our tenderness
tea and cigarettes together, quietly

we walk the laughter called together
cooking carrying what has been given
beads strung together

our spines are sensitive, catching the charges we can still receive
the resonance which hums within all of us
in the market i saw,
the beats of the drum,
held by a thin faced busker
his wrinkles sharing the weather,
mouth and fingers blowing wind,
mountains into these rows of stalls,
splendid with fruit carved naked for sampling,
as he confronts the visitors; their gay afternoons
with the breath
of the andes in the language of the habitants

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