Monday, January 28, 2008


biking dark beside the highway,
langford bleeding into colwood and view royal
sensuous concrete streaming out
sleek jet propelled out of a molded hillside
by vast soaring columns
underneath shining rows of lights, sleek rows of lights
an overpass;
joy of a smooth concrete curve
meets the boyish pleasures of ducking under
and passing over

sensuality of a smooth cement tongue
arching over the road phallus
pressed down straight into mounds
of forest hillside womb dirt

then metallic car shoots underneath
road gliding away underneath its tires,
driver's steely eyes on the downward curving asphalt
tires longing for the occasional penetration of tunnels
but mostly making do with the foreplay of an overpass,
pantomime of cement dry humping,
cars shooting over the earth on a straight line,
destination quick approaching
earth receding in the rear view mirror

1 comment:

slow low flying turkey said...

hey dood, how goes the york scene? any word? toronto diaspora community, here we come...